Short-sightedness and far-sightedness

Sight directly affects the quality of our daily lives. Regardless of whether we can’t see very far or very close, we experience life in a partial way, because it is through our eyes that we gain most information about our surroundings.
But what are myopia and clairvoyance? And is a combination of the two possible?
If you’re walking down the street and find that you don’t recognise people’s faces from a distance, or can’t see road signs or what’s on billboards, you might be short-sighted. Uncorrected myopia can be accompanied by eye-bleaching and headaches. It can start in childhood and vision is usually variable until adulthood. An optometrist will find out whether and to what extent you need vision correction with the help of glasses. Once you’ve got glasses, you should see an optometrist regularly.
But if you feel like you have to push the packaging away to read labels in the shop, or if you zoom in on your phone screen, you’re probably farsighted. Farsightedness can cause headaches and eye strain when trying to focus on a nearby object, for example when reading or doing a craft.
However, you may need a little help in both cases – to see as far as you can see up close. In this case, progressive lenses will help you and you won’t need to carry several pairs of glasses.
In rare cases, a person may also have one eye that is farsighted and one that is nearsighted.
Both myopia and farsightedness can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. If you suspect that you have even a minor vision problem, come to our optometrist for an eye check-up and we’ll take a look at your eyes!